Friday, November 7, 2008


We had a little drama at our house with Jaxson. I came home for lunch and as usual I gave Koda and Jaxson their raw hide sticks. I few minutes after I gave Jaxson his bone I heard him cough, I looked at him said you ok, and then realized that the bone was gone. Yep, you guessed it he swallowed it whole. Called the Vet, sure enough they wanted to see him. Took him in and they took an x-ray, found the bone lodged in his stomach, and the only option we had has surgery to remove the bone. The bone wouldn't be able to go through his system and he would get sick and could die. Well long story short as they were putting him out the meds made him sick and he threw up not only one bone but two, he had swallowed one a few days earlier. I'm so grateful that the doctor gave him the shot in his leg instead of the meds through an IV. Also grateful that I was home to see him do that. So since he was out they went a head and neutered him. No more rawhide sticks in our house. When we got him home he was running around like nothing happened. Jumping on and off the beds with no problems the next day. crazy dog!
HA HA- Jaxson, glad it's not me-

"Can you play ball with me"

Jaxson with his baby bear

Jaxson couldn't jump on the beds, so Tanner made a bed in the living so he could take care of him. What a good boy.

1 comment:

Jeff and Michelle and Aliyah said...

Wow! I'm so glad that Jaxson is doing okay now! That would be scary! I can't believe he swallowed two of them. Crazy! He is sooo cute though! How fun! Miss you, Pal!